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The Days Nobody Knows How Strong You Really Are

My entire life, I felt like the character that Johnny Depp played in the movie “What’s Eating Gilbert’s Grape”. Never really broke free only to have more of the same set of responsibilities just in a different environment.

Anyway, I want this post to be inspirational as Roy Bennet said, "Your hardest times will lead you to the greatest moment.".

Do Not Give Up!

Think forward and think about the solution. The outcome that you want happen will happen!

Manifest it!

You can dodge any curve balls. And if even if you did get hit with it, then figure out ways to succeed with those new accommodations of life!

You will heal and become even stronger! You will complete your journey! There is no set timeline for anybody. You go at your own pace and it's okay!

You got this!

Yes, I understand there will be days that you'll feel hopeless but do not succumb to it!

Keep going.


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